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Rebecca A. Shigley, CIC, TRA, FLMI, AIE, AIRC, ACS, CICSR

Rebecca has broad insurance industry experience spanning twenty-eight years that includes insurance company employee in various roles, sales agent, agency owner, insurance regulator, and insurance association employee. Rebecca is currently the Chief Operating Officer at the Independent Insurance Agents Association of North Carolina (IIANC). Rebecca oversees the E&O Program at IIANC and is a Swiss Re approved loss control instructor. In addition to teaching E&O loss control classes around North Carolina, Rebecca has coordinated numerous E&O Symposiums that bring relevant information to all members on current E&O issues.

Rebecca previously worked for the North Carolina Department of Insurance with her last role as Deputy Commissioner of the Agent Services Division with regulatory oversight over agent/agency licensing requirements, collection of state licensing fees, agency examinations, and administrative complaint investigations on agents/agencies. She also represented North Carolina as a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Producer Licensing (EX) Working Group, and served as Chair of the Uniform Education (EX) Subgroup. In 2015, Rebecca was the recipient of the Walter Spruill Regulator Recognition award from the Securities and Insurance Licensing Association (SILA). 

Product Type
Video On Demand

E&O - Continuing to Meet the Challenges of Change

Total Credits: 3 including 3 CE Credit

Average Rating:
Swiss Re Risk Management Credit Approved |  Errors and Omissions
Rebecca A. Shigley, CIC, TRA, FLMI, AIE, AIRC, ACS, CICSR
3 hrs
$84.00 - Member Video-On-Demand

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